Export Version 5.30 5.30 Started. Using Export Setup: Sample KML Setup The following files in C:\Documents and Settings\RYMT User\My Documents\SHARE 20120917 Dry Run will be exported: SHARE 20120917 DRY RUN.cor Reading file SHARE 20120917 DRY RUN.cor File SHARE 20120917 DRY RUN.cor read successfully 1 input file(s) read. 252 position(s) read. A total of 25 feature(s) read or created. 25 point feature(s) read. 25 feature(s) exported. 1 output file(s) written to C:\Documents and Settings\RYMT User\My Documents\SHARE 20120917 Dry Run\Export c:\documents and settings\rymt user\my documents\share 20120917 dry run\export\share 20120917 dry run.kmz The file C:\Documents and Settings\RYMT User\My Documents\SHARE 20120917 Dry Run\Export\SHARE 20120917 DRY RUN.inf contains information on the settings used. The file C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Trimble\GPS Pathfinder Office\Config\\expfiles.txt contains a list of the files created.